After decades performing and coaching at the highest professional levels of Afro Latin, Argentine Tango, and Swing, I realized there was more to dance than technique and competition.

Discovering a love for conscious dance, I now delight in helping others find their innate soulfulness and unique way of movement for healing, expression, and enjoyment.

I am a passionate believer that anyone can dance!


Right around 35 years old, my body started to complain: aches, pains and stress that showed up as pulled muscles and tense shoulders. I knew I had to start balancing my work and personal life with some deeper care for my physical body. I was lucky enough to meet Belle at that time. 

Since I met her, I have been on a journey that started simply as a fun way to exercise - dance fitness. But, it has become much more than that. 

I have learned from Belle how to use movement to pursue a joy-filled life. She has taught me how to quiet my mind - even when work, life & kids are clamoring for attention. 

So many of us live in our brains - giving little thought to our bodies. We're living longer than ever, but suffering from poor quality of life as we age. I want my body and mind to age together - gracefully, in harmony. That's what I continue to learn from Belle.

With this level of admiration, you can understand why I jumped at the opportunity when Belle asked me to be her business partner.

If I had been so lucky as to find her - a true master of movement, a professional dancer with a resume to die for, a humble spirit, an incredible knack for teaching, and a polished level of excellence in all that she does - then it would be my honor to help spread her message of joy through movement and music to the rest of the world.Â